
Visit the Olestra Haiku page.

Olestra is here
FDA approves fake fat
Stomach heaves and flows 

Cancer Man says: "Watch Fox and be damned forever"

I'm generally not too keen on commercial TV pages, but the X-Files page is pretty good.

They have the standard episode guide that includes QuickTime movies of promos & JPGs of their print ads.

[Update: as of 5/17/99, I'm completely bloody sick of the X-Files. Enough with the conspiracy theories!]

I don't remember where I got this little gif from but it reminds me of how horrible

my page is getting for those with a slow 'net connection (sorry Dad).

Anyway, Adobe sponsers an excellent page about bandwidth conservation.

Since I last updated this page, I've collected a pile of interesting links.

Adobe's Christmas party is coming up soon and I think I need to wear a bow tie. Thanks heavens for Alta Vista!

Speaking of bow ties, George Will's column can be found on the Washington Post's page.

No, I don't generally agree with his politics but his arguements are well thought out.

The Onion is one of the few web sites that's consistently really funny. My favorite story is still

"Marijuana Linked to Sitting Around and Getting High"

Dan Savage's column is also available.

A bunch of truck-driving Joe Punchcards decided the problem of a dead, beached whale

might best be resolved by five hundred pounds of dynamite.

This is their story...

Last and kind of least, is the ubiquitous Dilbert link.

I'm sure there's hardly a web page that doesn't include one but, hey, the graphic is good.

Perhaps this sound is old news to Americans but it's new to me and pretty bloody funny.

Who's the black private dick who's the sex machine to all the chicks?

Checking to see how many "Fergus Hammond" references are in Alta Vista, I found this summary:

Webdexter - People-F
Up one level. F, JD -
Jojo - the one and only-
Erotica, focused on mature men,
with photography,...


Sometimes, wishing I could Do Cool Stuff, I feel bad that I don't know Adobe's products better.

On the other hand, maybe it's better this way...

I'm an uncle! Here's proof - a photo of my brother Terry and New Lucy.

Ever wonder why web sites start interesting but then get less-so over time?

Well, it's cause it is not fun updating them. However, I found two pages worth a look:

very strange story (the letter T is my favourite).

Ever wanted to know if an actor was in a movie with

Kevin Bacon

or in a movie with an actor who was in a movie with Kevin Bacon?

Ok, maybe not. You should still check out The Oracle of Bacon.

T3 but nowhere to go? Try out the Virtual Keyboard

It'll turn your $3000 computer & direct 'net connection into a $300 piano keyboard.

Geek stuff first.

The best source of computer info is definitely InfoWorld.

Less tabloid-like than PCWeek and with longer reviews. Also check out Newsbytes.

OK, that's enough of that.

Still on the subject of news, the New York Times has an excellent site, despite the fact it requires registration.

(Once again, 1060 W Addison St Chicago, is going to be getting my junk mail)

While pressing CDs last night (do you know how long it takes?...argh!)

and listening to Ill Communication, I found a great Beastie Boys site that includes lots of video clips & lyrics

("I'm so high they call me Your Highness").

I 'm sick of always seeing the last 2 minutes of some interesting PBS show

so I've started using KCTS's web page. It's got a listing of the week's programs so I can plan ahead.

Aren't I organized? Am I a true nerd?

My pal Julie says: "Looks like you've discovered "white trash"

Well, Julie here's something that I'm sure you'll appreciate...

It's old but I still like my Ebola virus graphic. Nasty little bugger.

I didn't know anthing about the USA when I first arrived.

(Except what I learnt from watching Three's Company and the Dukes of Hazard.

Now I know long as it's about grammar, science or multiplication

"At least I hope and pray that I will, but today I'm still just a bill..."

"His back is covered with stiff bristly hairs and crusty nodules."

The best 'till last. Despite the absence of graphics, this is the most foul

page I have ever seen...
